Turning 40 – could I have finally started to grow up?

So I turned 40 this week… copenhagen_40_co2

I am not sure where the last ten years went but I know they have been busy with motherhood, marriage, readjusting to a life outside Dublin, and did I mention motherhood? I have evolved from footloose and fancy free to no respite and responsibilities.

Here are a few things I have noticed about myself and my coming of age…. have I finally grown up? 

1. I definitely have a wrinkle or ten. I like to call them my smiley lines.

2. I definitely have the odd grey (platinum) highlight.

3. Evolving my wardrobe seemed to happen subconsciously. I still own a few mini skirts but my jeans are higher and my tops are longer.

4. I have optimistically invested in expensive face creams, high in SPF, in the hope of undoing all those sunburnt days…

5. I wear make up most days, well almost everyday. It is part of my morning ritual and starts with a layer of the dream cream, the female polyfilla – primer.

6. I have learnt to curb my cursing and vulgarities to my inner voice or close friends and family.

7. I have given up smoking and taken up G&T’s (in a G&T glass, with ice and cucumber).

8. I don’t go on benders during the week. I just cannot handle the tiredness, the stress, the emotions, the trauma of an early morning and a long day.

9. I get a trolley when I go to the supermarket as opposed to slinging a basket over my arm and casually perusing.

10. Staying up late on a school night is midnight.

11. I drink glasses of wine now instead of pints, or vodka, or pints of vodka.

12. I have a mortgage

13. I’m on a resident’s committee discussing playgrounds and bins and lamp posts and dog poo.

14. I have ‘get my pension sorted’ on my “before I’m 50” bucket list

15. Working out is the new going out and staying in consists of wine, box sets and Haribo.

16. I discuss kids poo, husbands snoring and the intricacies of baked Alaska with my friends.

17. There is always one drunken mess at party these days as opposed to one sober person who would help piece a night together for all the rest of us.

18. Not being hungover at the weekends used to be a sign of a boring weekend now it is an achievement and a pleasure. I love having a full day.

19. Lie ons are until 9am.

20. Conversations about only having 4 hours sleep are due to nighttime wanderings and little visitors and not by choice

21. I have nice things in my house.

22. I have hanging baskets and house plants that I water and tend to.

23. I have hand sanitizer and baby wipes in my car

24. I own coasters, a decanter and a cheese board (with knives!)… Now that’s very grown up!

25. I am now referred to as a ‘woman or worse ‘that lady’!

26. I buy bikinis with added support and going topless is a distant memory.

27. I have noticed that I do own lots of cardigans and scarves but I think I still wear them with youthful dignity and not draped over my shoulders or tied in a knot…but maybe that’s stage 2!

28. I creak and crunch when I get off the couch, get out of bed, get out of my car….

29. When guests are coming I serve milk in a jug and save the towel for the downstairs bathroom until the doorbell rings (this is also for my next blog list “I know I am turning into my mother…”)

30. There are hairs on my face… WTF!


Turning 40 rocks!

I may be 40 but I am hoping it is going to take another few decades before I get the mammy’s short hair cut, buy Ecco shoes and stop wearing matching underwear everyday. Once I own a set of pyjamas, a dressing gown and a pair of big granny knickers I know I have lost my youthful ways.

Turning 40 has been a definite milestone physically. That young 30 year old, ten years ago, had flawless skin and an amazing cleavage. When I look back now she was beautiful but she didn’t know it. She was shy and she was a little lost.

Over the last ten years priorities and enjoyments may have changed but they been full of the joys of family, fun and love. The happy lines and aging process are a small sacrifice for making memories and sure if laughing makes you young then I am only a spring chicken.

Roll on the next decade of giggles and making memories. Life is a peach.


  1. I’m 32, don’t wear matching underwear, and I have pj’s, a dressing gown and granny knickers…. Although my hair is still long I am coming around to comfortable shoes.. oh dear.. Very impressed by your decanter and hanging baskets too! Think I’ve always been old at heart!

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  2. Is it bad that I can tick off most of the things on this list and I haven’t hit 30 yet lol that’s what kids do to you I guess lol people wear matching underwear?? Also I love my dressing gown lol

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  3. Happy Birthday!
    I am so with you on not putting a clean towel in the bathroom till the doorbell rings – glad to know I’m not the only one. It’s a sign of being an owner of small paint-splattered people more so than age I think 🙂

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