The Bed – not just a mattress and four legs.

My beautiful white brass bed.

My beautiful white brass bed.

I love our bed. It is a beautiful white brass bed, dressed in white cotton. It has a mattress topper and a goose down duvet. It has perfect pillows and a recently gifted electric blanket. It is pretty to look at and a feature in our bedroom. We bought the bed with wedding money many moons ago and along with my couch it is my favourite piece of furniture in our house.

Unfortunately with the ageing process and being married to a camera man comes the age-old illness of bad backs, and with that comes the talk of replacing our beautiful bed with a grown up divan bed. Aggghhh!!

I love my bed. I love it for so many reasons aside from the rendezvous I may have with my Monsieur.

Two monkeys cuddling on our bed.

When the two monkeys used to only take up half a pillow.

I have had fits of giggles in our bed. I have had my most meaningful chats with the hubby there. I felt the first kick from Baby One lying in that bed. I have fed and cuddled both my babies there.

Missy getting her Frozen CD.

Birthday gifts are always shared on our bed. Little Lady getting her Frozen CD.

It’s where we gather and share birthday gifts and Mother’s Day and Father’s Day gifts. It’s where the monkeys come for comfort. It’s where I go for solitude. It’s where I go when I need a cry. It’s where I feel relaxed. It’s where I have my most favourite cup of tea. It’s where, we as a family, migrate in the mornings, all cosy and giddy and full of chat. It’s where I feel safe. It is full of memories and sentiments.

I loath the thought of changing our bed but then the compromise is a happy husband. Perhaps it is not the bed but the symbol of the bed that I cherish. We share our couch and our dining table with everyone who comes through our front door but our bedroom is a sanctuary that only us four share. It is our little private oasis hidden from the rest of the world.


  1. I never thought of it like that but the idea that it is the family sanctuary is so apt, same in our house. There is talk of changing beds here too although ours was old and “inherited” so I kind of like the idea of picking our very own one! Great post!

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